Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
ENEA technological platform for biofuels and green chemistry

Tipo di pubblicazione: BROCHURE
A cura di: Giulia Monteleone e Isabella De Bari
pp. 18, 2024
Lingua: inglese
Prezzo: gratuito
The ENEA brochure collects some recent projects in biofuels and green chemistry area, focusing on biotechnological, thermochemical and catalytic processes for advanced biofuels and bioenergy, green chemistry and renewable fuels.
ENEA collaborates with national and international stakeholders, participating in many initiatives like the Biobased Industries Consortium and the Bioenergy Network. Their R&D includes fermentation of biomass derives streams, gasification to produce syngas from wet and dry biomass. Recent projects regard advancements in bioethanol, biochemicals, and bio-based products from lignocellulosic biomass. Additionally, ENEA has developed a platform for producing advanced biolubricants and hydrotreated biofuels. Other collaborative projects focus on producing biochar from agricultural wastes and additional wastes products following a circular economy approach. Overall, ENEA's work aims to develop technologies for sustainable fuel and promote green chemistry, contributing significantly to the decarbonization and defossilization European strategy.
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