Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
High Performance Computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and results 2019
Tipo di pubblicazione: VOLUME
A cura di: Guido Guarnieri, Giuseppe Santomauro
Editore: ENEA
ISBN: 978-88-8286-403-3
pp. 258, 2020
Prezzo: gratuito
This book is a collection of papers written by the main users of the ENEA CRESCO computing infrastructure. It describes applications related to high performance computing, an important technology for science and engineering. The topics cover many different fields as: materials science, climate, environment, nuclear technology, plasma physics, complex systems, HPC technology and many other advanced research topics which can be afforded only by using a specialized high-performance computing.The CRESCO system is one of the major super-computing infrastructures in Italy; it is used by more than 140 scientists, involved in ENEA research and development activities. It is mainly used for ENEA projects, but is also made available to the wider scientific community, with many users belonging to important academic and industrial groups. CRESCO is part of ENEAGRID, the computing infrastructure of ENEA. The Portici Center hosts the main computing facilities, where only CRESCO6 cluster has a computing power over than 1.4 PFlop.
This book is a collection of papers written by the main users of the ENEA CRESCO computing infrastructure. It describes applications related to high performance computing, an important technology for science and engineering. The topics cover many different fields as: materials science, climate, environment, nuclear technology, plasma physics, complex systems, HPC technology and many other advanced research topics which can be afforded only by using a specialized high-performance computing.The CRESCO system is one of the major super-computing infrastructures in Italy; it is used by more than 140 scientists, involved in ENEA research and development activities. It is mainly used for ENEA projects, but is also made available to the wider scientific community, with many users belonging to important academic and industrial groups. CRESCO is part of ENEAGRID, the computing infrastructure of ENEA. The Portici Center hosts the main computing facilities, where only CRESCO6 cluster has a computing power over than 1.4 PFlop.
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