Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Life Cycle Thinking in decision-making for sustainability: from public policies to private businesses

Proceedings of the 12th Italian LCA Network Conference, Messina, 11-12th June 2018
Tipo di pubblicazione: VOLUME
Autori: Giovanni Mondello, Marina Mistretta, Roberta Salomone, Arianna Dominici Loprieno, Sara Cortesi, Erika Mancuso
Editore: ENEA
pp. 530, 2018
ISBN: 978-88-8286-372-2
Prezzo: gratuito
Il volume raccoglie gli atti del XII Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA “Life Cycle Thinking in decision-making for sustainability: from public policies to private businesses”, che si è svolto a Messina nei giorni 11 e 12 giugno 2018.
I contributi scientifici, presentati al Convegno durante le sessioni tematiche orali e le sessioni poster e pubblicati in questo volume, sono stati selezionati attraverso un processo di double peer review gestito dal Comitato Scientifico. Le tematiche trattate riguardano i seguenti aspetti: Life Cycle Thinking methods and tools in public policies: experiences, limitations and perspectives; Life Cycle Thinking methods and tools in private businesses: experiences, limitations and perspectives; Life Cycle Thinking and Circular Economy: policies and practices; Life Cycle Thinking and the UN Sustainable Development Goals; Methodological developments of LCA, LCC, S-LCA and integrated Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment.
Nell’ultima sezione sono riportati i contributi presentati dai prime tre classificati della IX edizione del Premio Giovani Ricercatori LCA, rivolto ai giovani ricercatori che operano nel campo dell’analisi del ciclo di vita al fine di promuovere la ricerca e divulgare le loro attività.
The 12th Italian LCA Network Conference “Life Cycle Thinking in decision-making for sustainability: from public policies to private businesses”, was held on 11-12 June in Messina (Italy).
The conference proceedings contain the papers presented at the Conference, both in the oral and poster sessions, after a double peer review process, managed by the Scientific Committee.
The following topics were covered in the Conference: Life Cycle Thinking methods and tools in public policies: experiences, limitations and perspectives; Life Cycle Thinking methods and tools in private businesses: experiences, limitations and perspectives; Life Cycle Thinking and Circular Economy: policies and practices; Life Cycle Thinking and the UN Sustainable Development Goals; Methodological developments of LCA, LCC, S-LCA and integrated Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment.
The last section is reserved to the three papers rewarded in the 9th Edition of LCA Young Researcher Award, addressed to promote and disseminate the research activities of young researchers involved in the Life Cycle Assessment research activities.