Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Increasing the Competitiveness of Industrial Areas. New tools and challenges: perspectives and incentives of the European policies

Proceedings of International Workshop
Bruxelles, 7 June 2012
Kind of publication : VOLUME
Edited by : Arianna Dominici Loprieno, Mario Tarantini, Rovena Preka, Maria Litido
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 106, 2012
ISBN: 978-88-8286-275-6
Price: free
MEID project (Mediterranean Eco-Industrial Development), funded by the program MED, aims to define a joint Mediterranean model for planning, construction and management of Industrial Areas, improving sustainable development and SMEs competitiveness. The model intends to enhance capacities and develop decision tools for Competent Authorities and Industrial Area Managers to integrate environmental friendly solutions into Regional and Interregional Industrial Development Strategies.
In this framework, an International Forum has been held in Bruxelles on June 7th 2012, hosted at the European Parliament. The event had the aim to present the viewpoints of different stakeholders and discuss which future is envisaged by European and National Institutions for the Mediterranean industrial areas taking into account the recommendations of COM(2011) 642 “Industrial Policy: Reinforcing competitiveness” and COM(2011) 571 “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe”.
After a foreword to the event of the members of Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament, ENEA presented its activities in supporting a greener and more competitive industry and the proposed management model developed in the MEID project. Afterwards, the Unit Policy Development for Industrial Innovation of the DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission has highlighted the role of co-operation between sustainable industrial areas for the Euro-Mediterranean growth. Besides, some success cases of the partner countries were shown, with the aim to share the best experiences and the possible solutions of common problems. This volume contains all the oral presentations of the International Forum.
MEID project (Mediterranean Eco-Industrial Development), funded by the program MED, aims to define a joint Mediterranean model for planning, construction and management of Industrial Areas, improving sustainable development and SMEs competitiveness. The model intends to enhance capacities and develop decision tools for Competent Authorities and Industrial Area Managers to integrate environmental friendly solutions into Regional and Interregional Industrial Development Strategies.
In this framework, an International Forum has been held in Bruxelles on June 7th 2012, hosted at the European Parliament. The event had the aim to present the viewpoints of different stakeholders and discuss which future is envisaged by European and National Institutions for the Mediterranean industrial areas taking into account the recommendations of COM(2011) 642 “Industrial Policy: Reinforcing competitiveness” and COM(2011) 571 “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe”.
After a foreword to the event of the members of Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament, ENEA presented its activities in supporting a greener and more competitive industry and the proposed management model developed in the MEID project. Afterwards, the Unit Policy Development for Industrial Innovation of the DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission has highlighted the role of co-operation between sustainable industrial areas for the Euro-Mediterranean growth. Besides, some success cases of the partner countries were shown, with the aim to share the best experiences and the possible solutions of common problems. This volume contains all the oral presentations of the International Forum.