Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Infomobility systems and sustainable transport services

Kind of publication: VOLUME
Edited by: G. Ambrosino, M. Boero, J.D. Nelson, M. Romanazzo
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 336, 2010
ISBN: 978-88-8286-229-9
Price: gratuito
This book addresses the context and experience surrounding the recent widespread development of technological tools and ICT platforms to support the emergence of Intelligent Transport Systems. Such developments are notable for the way in which they permeate the transport and logistics chain – from traffic planning to traffic management and control throughout the road network, electronic variable message signing, planning and management of operations of public transport fleets, freight transport and goods distribution, etc. In this book the following definition of infomobility is offered: the use and distribution of dynamic and selected multi-modal information to users, both pre-trip and, more importantly, on-trip, in pursuit of attaining higher traffic and transport efficiency as well as higher quality levels in travel experience by the users.
A number of reference architectures and enabling technologies for infomobility systems to support European and national initiatives are considered. The book showcases infomobility in practice by highlighting innovation and good practice across a variety of urban and metropolitan locations in Europe. The appropriate use of information is illustrated by applications of strategic traffic and mobility management systems; real-time information for travellers; optimum public transport information; Bus Rapid Transit; and the flexible transport Agency. Similarly, at the regional and extra-urban level key experiences and applications of infomobility are presented. In terms of the crucial issues of decision support, safety and incident management there is an overview of the state-of-the-art and the challenges of car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communications technology. The prediction of incident duration on motorways is also discussed as well as a decision support system for traffic incident management in roadway tunnel infrastructure.
Evaluation issues of infomobility application are addressed with two case studies of good practice. It is essential that the objectives and results that are planned from the introduction of an ITS system are achieved in a consistent way. This means that appropriate resources and time must be spent in the management of the overall planning and purchasing lifecycle. Specific elements to support Public Authorities in this process are discussed.
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