Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Microwaves in Italy and France State of the Art 2008
Kind of publication : VOLUME
Edited by: Cristina Leonelli and Antonio Colaiuda
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 156, 2009
ISBN: 978-88-8286-208-4
Price: free
The First Bilateral Italian-French Meeting on Microwaves for Engineering and Applied Sciences (MISA 2008) was held in Salerno, Italy, on 21stto 23rd of May 2008. This meeting combined for the first time Italian and French researchers involved in the Microwave Science and Technology either from industry or academia. Meetings of the Italian community, GIMAMP (Italian Group on Microwaves Applications to Materials and Processes), have been conducted on a regular basis since 1997.
The success of this challenging event organized to enlarge the boundaries of the activity of GIMAMP, was demonstrated by the over 30 talks with delegates from 2 French and 2 Italian industries, 9 French and 8 Italian Research Institutions, 4 French and 26 ItalianUniversities.
Here are collected the presentations of various groups whose activities cover a multidisciplinary panorama: Dielectric properties measurements, Modelling and Simulation, Medical and Biomedical Applications, Chemical Synthesis and Analytical Applications, Environment and Sustainable Development, Pharmaceutical Applications, Applicators and Control Systems, Materials and Processes.
The 18 contributions in this volume represent a cross section of work presented at MISA 2008 Meeting, and it is hoped that these papers, in addition to being a valuable summary for conference attendees, will be of interest to the entire high power microwave community.
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