Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile


Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures in Italy 2006

Energy Efficiency Policies

Monitoring of Energy Efficiency in EU 15 (EU Project Odyssee - Mure)

Tipo di pubblicazione: VOLUME

Autori: Emidio D'Angelo, Giulia Iorio

Editore: ENEA

pp. 56, 2007

ISBN: 0393-3016

Prezzo: gratuito


This report analyses the energy efficiency trends in Italy based on the energy efficiency indicators processed in the ODYSSEE database, maintained and updated in the IEE programme. These indicators are adopted by E.U. Committee as statistic informative base for the energy policies of the E.U. and they allow a comparison among the E.U. members.

This analysis focuses on the period 1990-2004. It also examines the policies and measures implemented in the field of energy efficiency, with a focus on the last years. A more in-depth investigation was made for energy consumption and efficiency indicators in the Industry sector.

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