Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Systems and Advanced Solutions for eLogistics in the Sustainable City

Kind of publication : VOLUME
Edited by: G. Ambrosino, M. Boero, J.D. Nelson, M. Romanazzo
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 360, 2006
ISBN: 88-8286-137-6
Prezzo: gratuito
The book assembles the recent research and innovative applications relating to the potential contribution of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the urban logistics and to the goal of sustainable freight distribution in the cities.
Freight transport and distribution is one of the primary components of the economic and social welfare of our cities, playing a major role in many key socio-economic sectors and activities. On the other hand, as a main component of urban traffic and mobility, it has important effects on the quality of the environment and life in urban areas, as heavily congested roads are significantly affecting the life of citizens.
In Italy traffic for freight distribution is about 20-25 % of overall road urban traffic and contributes to a considerable increase of congestion and of internal and external transport costs.
Growing attention has been recently paid to the search for new approaches and innovative models and solutions for city logistics, taking advantage from a number of enabling technologies and ICT tools.
Local Authorities are increasingly engaged on these issues and sustainable freight transport is the objective to be achieved. This becomes particularly true when considering the specific, complex environment of ‘old ’urban centres and historical cities, a particular type of urban context which is common in virtually all European countries.
Interesting pilot projects of city logistics have been carried out in recent years that could be followed in many European towns. ENEA believes that it is a good opportunity to publish this book that not only provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the latest developments in the domain of sustainable city logistics, but also contributes to dissemination of that innovation culture in a sector that is very important for the future of our economies.
This book addresses results achieved in research and innovations initiatives recently carried out in Italy, particularly the Tadiram project (part-funded by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research) and in Europe, particularly the eDRUL IST project and MERO-PE Interreg IIIB MEDOCC projects, involving a relevant number of cities and towns.
These initiatives have been designed and implemented to investigate and experiment innovative solutions to city logistics, addressing a range of aspects, from service schemes and organisational models, to enabling and supporting ICT solutions, to institutional measures and policies.
The book after an introduction relating to the analysis of the requirements /needs of users and of the process of goods distribution in urbana areas (chapters 2 and 3) develops the concept of city logistics Agency, desribes SW and HW platforms for services design and control and evaluation methodologies (chapters 4-7). Therefore most important European experiences are reported and analyzed (chapters 8-16).
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