Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Proceedings of the International Conference Enrico Fermi and the Universe of Physics

(Rome, September 29 - October 2, 2001)
Kind of publication : VOLUME
Edited by: C. Bernardini, L. Bonolis, G. Ghisu, D. Savelli, L. Falera
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 408, 2003
ISBN: 88-8286-032-9
Price : free
A Short Presentation of the Fermi Centennial Conference
Carlo Bernardini
Enrico Fermi: a Guiding Light in an Anguished Century
Giorgio Salvini
Fermi’s Contribution to the World Energy Supply
Carlo Rubbia
Enrico Fermi and his Family
Alice Caton
The Birth and Early Days of the Fermi Group in Rome
Gerald Holton
Fermi toward Quantum Statistics (1923-1925)
Fabio Sebastiani, Francesco Cordella
The Evolution of Fermi’s Statistical Theory of Atoms
Jan Philip Solovej
Nuclear Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory in the Thirties
Jeff Hughes
Cooperation and Competition among Nuclear Physics Laboratories during the Thirties: the Role of Frédéric Joliot
Michel Pinault
From Fermi to Fission: Meitner, Hahn and Strassmann in Berlin
Ruth Lewin Sime
Slow Neutrons at Via Panisperna: the Discovery, the Production of Isotopes and the Birth of Nuclear Medicine
Ugo Amaldi
Funds and Failures: the Political Economy of Fermi’s Group
Giovanni Battimelli
Fermi and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
Sam Schweber
Fermi and Applied Nuclear Physics during the War (1939-1945)
Michelangelo De Maria
New Large Accelerators in the World in the Forties and Early Fifties
Dominique Pestre
Enrico Fermi and the Birth of High-Energy Physics after World War II
Giulio Maltese
Enrico Fermi, High-Energy Physics and High Speed Computing
Robert Seidel
Women in Physics in Fermi’s Time
Nina Byers
Documents on Fermi’s Life
Harold Agnew
Fermi and the Ergodic Problem
Giovanni Gallavotti
Fermi and General Relativity
Tullio Regge
Fermi’s Tentativo and Weak Interactions
Nicola Cabibbo
Enrico Fermi, the Man. Excerpts from some documents
Jay Orear
Experimental Nuclear Physics in the Thirties and Forties
John L. Heilbron
The Beginnings of Pion and Muon Physics
Leon Lederman
Perspectives in High Energy Particle Physics
Luciano Maiani
Enrico Fermi
Chen Ning Yang
Concluding Remarks
Giorgio Salvini
Report on the Celebrations for the Centenary of Enrico Fermi’s Birth
Carlo Bernardini, Rocco Capasso