Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Proceedings of the Bologna quados international workshop "International intercomparison on the usage of computational tools in radiation dosimetry"

Kind of publication : VOLUME
Edited by: G. Gualdrini and P. Ferrari
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 384, 2004
ISBN: 88-8286-114-7
Price: free
"QUADOS" (Quality Assurance of Computational Tools for Dosimetry), supported by the European Commission, under contract FIGD-CT-2000-20062, proposed an intercomparison aimed at evaluating the use of computational codes for dosimetry in radiation protection and medical physics. The first proposal, circulated in spring 2002, was addressed to all users of Monte Carlo, analytic and semi-analytic codes or deterministic methods, from both inside and outside the European Union, regardless of their field of work.
- Five Photon and Charged Particle Problems:
- Brachytherapy: 192Ir gamma-ray source,
- Endovascular Treatment: 32P ß - source,
- Proton therapy on the eye: 50 MeV proton beam,
- Calibration phantom backscatter: X ray ISO reference beams,
- Germanium detector response function: photon sources with energies in the range from 15 keV to 1 MeV.
- Three Neutron Problems:
- TLD-albedo dosemeter response calculation: neutron and photon sources,
- Environmental scatter: bare 252Cf neutron source located at the centre of a concrete walled calibration room,
- Consistency check device: 241Am-Be neutron source.
About 30 scientists took part in the intercomparison and more than 100 scientists attended the final Workshop held in Bologna (I) from 14 to 16 July 2003.
A detailed summary of the Intercomparison and six general tutorials are presented in the book of proceedings.
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