Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Procedural guideline for collection, treatment and quality documentation of LCA data

Kind of publication : VOLUME
Authors: B. P. Weidema, F. Cappellaro, R. Carlson, P. Notten, A. C. Palsson, A. Patyk, E. Regalini, F. Sacchetto, S. Scalbi
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 70, 2004
ISBN: 88-8286-110-4
Price: free
This Volume has been produced in the context of the EU-project CASCADE - Co-operation And Standards for life Cycle Assessment Data in Europe. CASCADE is a Thematic Network of the GROWTH program carried out during 2001-2004.
The purpose of this guideline to support the development, implementation and maintenance of data collection systems within environmental product life cycle assessments (LCAs) and hence improve the quality and comparability of LCA data.
The partnership includes practitioners and experts in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), producers of software for LCA, information modeling experts, industrial companies and two national environment agencies.
The target group for this guideline is managers of LCA databases and data collection systems, as well as the experienced LCA data collector.
The guideline provides technical guidance and recommendations for the procedures to be used for data collection and data treatment (Chapters 2 to 9), and includes minimum requirements for data quality documentation (Section 1.4). This is supplemented by a procedure for certification of data according to the guideline (Section 1.5).
The guideline follows the terminology of ISO-standards 14041, 14042, 14043, and 14048, and should be seen as a technical supplement to these standards.
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