Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Neutron radiography (7)
Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference - Rome, Italy
Kind of publication : VOLUME
Edited by: Piero Chirco, Roberto Rosa
Publisher: ENEA
pp. 894, 2005
ISBN: 88-8286-199-6
Price: free
The Seventh World Conference on Neutron Radiography was held in September 2002 in Rome, organized in the framework of the International Society for Neutron Radiography.
The conference was the final step of the COST Action 524 “Neutron imaging techniques for the detection of defects in materials”, a five years long international cooperation supported by the European Commission. The participation to the conference was at the highest level, with the remarkable numbers of researchers coming from areas outside EU, USA and Japan that traditionally made most of the work in this field.
This volume collects all presentations given at the conference. It is divided in ten Topical Sessions and one Poster Session reflecting the structure of the World Conference.
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